Unit 29: The Phases – Beginner/Part Trained/Trained/FLH
Research Material:
The Driving Instructor’s Handbook – Chapter 5
The Examiners Guidelines for the ADI Part 3 Examination (see our links page)
(Sorry guys – this is where the heavy reading and preparation will really help!)
The Part 3 examination lasts approximately 1 hour, which is split into 2 phases, with just under half an hour for each phase. These 2 phases are designed to test your skills with customers of differing capabilities.
Phase 1:
This phase involves you training a ‘customer’ (role-played by the examiner) who has never attempted the subject in hand.
The Beginner is a customer who has had very limited experience (or none at all!) behind the wheel. The Pre Set Tests in this section are:
The Partly Trained customer has had some training (not necessarily of a good standard), but is approaching the subject for the first time. The PSTs in this section are:
Phase 2:
This phase involves assessing a customer who has dealt with a lesson subject before, but is having problems in dealing with it safely. It involves an assessment of their current knowledge, skill and attitude, and relies heavily on the core competencies to analyse problems then suggest remedial action in order to fix them.
The Trained customer may be approaching test standard, but needs help dealing with a subject they have trouble dealing with. The PSTs which may feature a Trained customer are:
The Full Licence Holder may be a customer who has lived abroad for some time, needs an assessment and some training for a job or is looking for refresher lessons for another reason. The PSTs which may feature a Full Licence Holder are:
Discussion Points:
Phase 1 Briefing for a new subject – with an Action Plan
Phase 1 Levels of Instruction – Guided Talk Through
Phase 2 Recap of Knowledge, Skills and Attitude
Phase 2 Briefing reminders
Phase 2 Levels of Instruction – Starting at prompted
Phase 2 The importance of the core competencies
Over the next few sessions you will be working on how to plan and prepare for a lesson. The subjects to be worked on will be the same as those on the part 3 exam, but should give you the skills you need to prepare for any lesson. The PSTs are not the be all and end all of the job, but are a good cross section of exercises designed to test your skills.
To Do:
Start preparing briefings for all of the subjects (Units 28-40).
Before each session, work through each subject thoroughly.